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This game made me feel the same confusion of attempting to figure out my own gender. 10/10


It was such lovely game even though I struggle to learn about other genders it still was amazing and eye-opening
Thank you!!


This game made me feel emotional. For sure the best browser game I've ever played.

(1 edit) (+4)(-1)

I really love this game, but I did encounter a glitch where, while walking through one of the pronoun doors repeatedly, back and forth, and ended up falling out of the world

(1 edit) (+3)(-1)

Besides that, the "Xe" door seems to be somewhat buggy; It didn't let me enter it from the front, but when I tried to enter from the side, I effectively got stuck inside the door, only being able to walk back and forth and trigger the dialogue


Thanks for the great feedback and the bug report. We have a patch in the works that will hopefully fix the glitches/bugs in the pronoun room, but it will take another week or so due to a few of us being on vacation currently =) 


Amazing concept and execution, such a unique experience playing this game


this felt very cathartic and validating... thank you <3


this game is so much fun!! though when i walked through the no pronoun door, i became stuck and couldn't get out :(


This game is super beautiful and unique. I never would have thought a game that teaches you about gender and identities would have ever existed? Nor have been as fun as this was! The Xe/No Pronoun doors didn't work for me though :( Other than that this game was :) great.


they didnt work for me as welL


As a trans person, i love this game


I've never heard of One, E, or Ey as pronouns. One feels, like, unattached to gender, but not in the dehumanizing way It does. E feels like the binary version of "they" if that makes sense. Like, it's in the realm of she/he but still ambiguous. Ey has kindof an opposite feel. I'm still figuring out my own stuff, those three stood out tho, I'll look more into them and the people who use them!


this is a very lovely and helpful game, and using the He door over and over made me feel warm and happy. thank you for making this!


Love the game! Not in particular for the theme, because I think we massively overcomplicate it for ourselves, but I like to walk around in the maze, the way the terminology is explained, the music and the whole experience, actually. Nice!

Deleted 133 days ago

Hey! Danke für dieses schöne Video.

War spannend mal die Gedanken einer Person, die wir nicht kennen, mitzuverfolgen.

Etwas Info zu Dysphorie/Euphorie noch, weil es mir aufgefallen ist: Das ist nicht nur Körperbezogen.  Geschlechtseuphorie können zum Beispiel auch trans Menschen haben, wenn sie das erste Mal ihren (richtigen) Namen oder ihre Pronomen hören. Oder wenn sie sich grade einfach wohl fühlen mit sich selbst und ihrem Geschlecht. Oder wenn sie ein tolles neues Wort oder Konzept gefunden haben, dass sie gut beschreibt.

Dysphorie können auch Menschen haben, die an sich körperlich  von außen gesehen gar nicht anders wahrgenommen würden, aber sich dennoch selbst unwohl fühlen mit ihrem Körper oder ihrem Geschlecht.  Aber eben auch, wenn es nicht um Körper sondern nur den gesellschaftliche Umgang mit Geschlecht geht. Wenn eine nichtbinäre Person sich zum Beispiel  zwischen binärem Geschlecht auf einem Formular entscheiden muss. Oder Menschen, um sie herum sehr Geschlechterstereotype erwarten.

Haha, das ist jetzt sehr lang geworden. :D


Achso und ja zu den Türen, eigentlich hätten die alle funktionieren sollen. Da haben wir wohl mit unserem letzten Update einen Bug eingebaut. Werden das wahrscheinlich nochmal überarbeiten.

X wird auch tatsächlich so als Pronomen benutzt. Und bei uns im Bekanntenkreis wird zum Beispiel viel xier benutzt. Da gibt es auch einen tollen Erklärcomic von Anna Heger zu. ;) Ich kenne aber auch einige Personen, die nur ihren Namen nutzen. 


Demi wird oft dann benutzt, wenn sich Menschen die meiste Zeit oder immer mit einem Geschlecht identifizieren, aber  andere Anteile schwanken können. Also zum Beispiel als Demi-Mann,  ist eine Person immer (unter anderem) männlich, aber kann auch zusätzlich manchmal genderqueer, manchmal weiblich, manchmal eher ageschlechtlich sein. Es kann auch sein, dass das nicht so stark schwankt aber eben der männliche Anteil der einzige ist, der orgendwie klar identifizierbar ist, es aber auch noch andere Anteile gibt.

Deleted 133 days ago

walks through he door, walks through he door, walks through he door, falls into the void


Same here, walked through a bunch of doors and then suddenly I started falling.

(1 edit) (+2)(-1)

This is an interesting introduction and exploration mechanic to many queer terms. The mapping is certainly huge and pretty well-design, also the experience given in the section of "dysphoria" is the most relatable :')

At the side note, "No Pronoun" and "Xe" doors seem to be inaccessible, and I got stuck in lift between the map's floor after visiting the "tree" and "non-binary" room ^^;


Thanks for reporting the issue. We have a fix in the works, that will hopefully adress this and a few other issues and will hopefully be able to roll it out over the comming weeks.


Very interesting concept! Game isn't for me though. The game was a little hard on the eyes with all the white surfaces and the music, while soothing, didn't do much to keep me engaged. Concept is good, but I suppose the main criticism is that the levels could use some color.


I got to the pronoun doors and got trapped inside the "no pronoun" one. I can't leave on either side. I guess I don't use pronouns now 🤷‍♀️️



Thank you for reporting the issue. We are working on a fix that will hopefully adress the problem causing the issue.


I love the atmosphere and dreaminess of this game. It was very nice to play. I really liked the pronoun doors.

(7 edits) (+3)(-2)

Hey, so I may have enjoined your game a bit too much and ended up speedrunning it. I’m transfem and I enjoyed the game. It was very good.

All Attempts

Single Best Attempt

This is so cool! :D

Such an honour to have a speedrun of our game! Are you sure, this is the fastest way, though? ;-)


There’s probably a faster way, I just didn’t find it


OMG, this is absolutely amazing! Congratulations on being the first holder of the any% world record :D


i understood what gender i was but while i was discovering pronouns, Xe and no pronoun didnt let me go though but when i did i got stuck and had to do it all over again


Thanks for the feedback, we will have a look at what might cause this =)


Love this idea! There are a lot of things you can do with this. However, I encountered a glitch where, at the bottom of the staircase, I would fall through. I wish you could teleport in the map room, though.


Hey, thanks for the feedback.

Can you describe to us what happened immediately before the "falling through" glitch, so we can replicate and fix the issue?

A map based teleportation is an interesting idea, we'll keep in mind for the future, if we decide to add more rooms :slight_smile:

(1 edit) (+2)(-1)

I experienced the same glitch. you need to fall down the center of the stairs, just so you land on the land floor before the hole. go up the stairs into the closest room. it goes nowhere, and the back wall has no collision. if you go through that wall, you end up in the room above. go down the stairs, aaaaand the floor is gone. falling in causes a eternity of falling.

great game though! I love the non-Euclidean style! 


If you jump through the stairs to the bottom staircase level, you can fall through the floor.


It's an excellent and informative game! The technical aspects of it I'd love to hear about and I loved the exploration and discovery of terms (and thank you so much for including a map that tells us if we've missed anything). The gender dysphoria/euphoria room was excellently done and I found the bizarre elevator inexplicably mesmerizing to travel on.

The piano was also lovely. (though it did cut out after a while, probably because I kept escaping to write thoughts down here)

Some bugs I ran into:

Had to restart the first playthrough due to void getting stuck onscreen and blocking further inputs

Second playthrough, the pronoun room didn't seem to function correctly? I think I'm walking into the triggers meant to open the doors, but the triggers themselves are being treated as solid geometry. If I approach them from the side the doors will actually open but I can't get through. Saved void for last and... yeah, got hit by the void bug again.


Thanks for the feedback. We seem to accidentally have introduced a few bugs with our latest update and are looking to push a hotfix over the next days.


This was such a fun little game! I loved the atmosphere and the looks of it all. Informative, introspective, but almost lonely, which I really feel as someone who's questioning things.

Did run into a glitch where I checked out Void (it was my second to last room before the exit, the other one left was Pronouns) and interacted with it, but after I left the definition persisted on my screen and I couldn't interact with other things, like the map (which didn't seem to update) or definitions. The voice line for the Pronouns room played fine, though.


Thanks for the feedback. We'll look into the bug and can hopefully push a fix soon =)


Same bug with Void got me here as well


love the exploring XD absolutely enjoyed learning about the terms that I didn't know before, although I identify as cisgender myself (for now, anyway!) Also love how you fall down from the 2 doors at the beginning, then see them again but turn and see many other doors in the end. It made me suddenly feel - that's how gender should be.


Absolutely fantastic. Gives me Antichamber vibes :D


I like being called he so much i kept going back and fourth through the he door and I started to fall 'v'


Yees, the funy glitch i described here

(1 edit) (+2)(-1)

void has no explanationary text. I mean yes, it's fitting, but i have no idea what exactly void in this topic would mean, is it just representing agender?

Other than that see my review:

"Looking a bit like a piece of a sterile modern art exhibition. With the (more or less) all white floors, walls and ceiling I found it a bit hard to navigate.

Other than that I like it.

It gives a nice overview over gender and connections between terms often seen in discussions and with about 20 minutes to discover every room it's not too long for an informational walk. Walking speed could be slightly faster, but then thinking about the information in the room one just left might come too short,"


Thanks a lot for the feedback!

We are actually planning an update which also includes a definition for void and updates a few of the other texts as well. As we are currently working on another jam game, the update will have to wait a few weeks though.

You can find a definition here for example for now:


This game (?) is very neat! I think it would be great to see future updates!

(1 edit) (+2)(-3)

WOW, I didn't know more genders than 4! It felt like an adventure looking in different areas for new doors or passageways to learn something new. I also found a glitch lol, when you go down the center of the staircase but come back to the stairs at a lower opening, you can go ontop of the pronouns room, then if you try to go back up the stairs it clips you through the world and makes you fall to your impending death xd.


I really enjoyed this, I loved the abstract look. (kinda like how gender is lol) I was glad to be educated on topics I didn't fully know or understand. It was really nice to have the narrator talking, and when you went through the pronoun doors they pronounced all of them. It was a surprise because I didn't know some of those pronouns existed. The one thing I didn't like was that void didn't have a definition. I don't identify with void gender, but I do identify with the term agender. And I felt that if you had a definition you could've included two other terms to help people with gender. (agender and neutrois.) But besides that it was a very enjoyable game and I think the people that worked on this did an amazing job! (─‿─)


Thanks for your nice words! :) Glad you enjoyed it and could even learn a bit more.

We are thinking about including the definition of void in a next version, as we are currently reworking some of the definitions anyways. As we have often tried to make text, meaning and environment interact in some ways with each other, some of us thought that it was fitting to not have any definition for void, but we can see how including one could help people understand it better.

I also identify with agender (partly at least) so I can see why it can be good to have some representation there. :) On the other hand we know that we could never include everything so we decided deliberately to just give a sample of the whole spectrum and tried not to follow a specific logic on what to include and what not.


A very interesting exploration, with some fascinating usages of non-standard spatial connections! Very nicely done! ^_^

I was a little sad that "void" didn't get a definition. While perhaps appropriate to the term, I was left still not knowing (albeit being able to guess) quite how it fit into gender-matters.

I liked the use of arrows to suggest the idea of societal pressure towards "cis" identification.

(Although I was a little sad that "cis" didn't get a some feature to spice up its space. Between that and the endless loop, it sort of felt like "cis" identities were being presented as "boring".)

Alas, I encountered a bug: Somehow, I got the "lift" to break, specifically to leave me enough space that I could drop into the curving "lift shaft". And while I could wander around down there, I couldn't quite get up to the lift again, it seemed. ^^;

(At a guess, perhaps I used the lift, then found another route back to to the point at which I entered the lift, leaving the platform elsewhere. But that is just a guess.)

But overall I liked this. ^_^


Thanks a lot! And glad you enjoyed our game. :)

We are thinking about including the definition of void in a next version, as we are currently reworking some of the definitions anyways. As we have often tried to make text, meaning and environment interact in some ways with each other, some of us thought that it was fitting to not have any definition for void, but we can see how including one could help people understand it better.

As we were mostly thinking about presenting identities that are not the norm, we didn't think much about further features for the cis room but (speaking for myself at least) I don't think any of us would want to say that cis equals being boring. There is such a variety in expressions and ways to live no matter whether you are cis or trans and even though there is the societal pressure to fit into some norms even inside of those norms are a myriad of ways to live it.

Thanks for telling us about that bug. We'll try to look into it!

As much as I'd like to see a concrete definition, I can definitely see the appeal of having no textual description for "void", of having it be conveyed implicitly by the environment.

As to the "cis" section, I do hear you. And indeed, it only makes sense that most of the energy go to the other identities!

I'm glad to read that "cis" wasn't intended to be presented as "boring"--and indeed, that's not unexpected; I don't think that I took it to be the intended reading. I think that the lack of something there felt more like an an area overlooked (understandably), and which omission felt (to me, at least) to carry an unintended half-implication--in my mind, at least.

(1 edit) (-1)

There are definitly rooms in the game that are more elaborat than others. In part this is due to the order they were created in. The cis and trans rooms were the first two rooms we created during the jam and we focused on creating the systems that allowed us to chain them together indefinitely.
Other rooms that were created much later allowed us to focus on more detailed concepts (take the floating cubes in the euphoria/disphoria room for example, that was a relatively late addition ot the postjam release).
This isn't meant to be a value judgement on the terms and the associated identities, but rather a product of having a game start out as a jam project and then expanding on it later =)


I know; I'm talking less about the intent than the effect. I really don't think that you intended any value judgements.

However, I worry that this is turning into an argument--I really don't want to press the issue! ^^;

Speaking of the euphoria/dysphoria room, I really liked that one! I thought that the metaphor there worked really well! ^_^

Finally, it's quite interesting to read about how the order of approaching the rooms affected how much detail was given to each. Thank you for explaining that! ^_^



It's been long enough that I'm not quite sure of what's changed, but:

"Cis" has a green light, and some nice pillars. I don't recall whether it had them before, but if not, then they're a nice addition to it.

(Granted that I happen to be fond of green, so I may be biased as to its impact. :P)

"Void" now has a textual definition! That's very welcome, and was interesting to read. Thank you for that. ^_^

Deleted 3 years ago

sigh TECHNICALLY there are only two genders, but seriously, if people don’t want to be referred to by a certain gender, even if it doesn’t exist, that is FINE. Just don’t be rude, ok?


oh dear. i broke the pronoun room fdslkjf


haha i beat the game through the ze pronoun door ,jdfkljk


Oh my. ^^' Thanks for bringing this to our attention! Could you tell us what happened?

(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

i went to a pronoun door (particularly Xe, but i think it works on any), went close enough to open it, went far away enough to de-load the sort of "portal" thing, but not far enough to close the door, and just walked through. in the Xe door, this is close enough to the trigger for the end of the game for it to start the cutscene in the void haha

this, when done in the other pronoun doors, causes a softlock because you cannot return back to the world.

edit: also able to reach the trigger in the she door sdkfhskjd


this is what it looks like


Thanks for the details. We'll fix this in the next patch =)


This was beautiful. I enjoyed exploring the abstract and confusing world, while being educated on some of the concepts I've not been too familiar with. I especially liked the pronoun room. I usually only see neopronouns in written form so hearing them used verbally was nice (I always read Xe as ZEE so hearing the KSE sound surprised me!)

I'm glad you took the time to translate this into English, well done, it was excellent.


Glad you liked it =)

The pronounciation of a few of the neopronouns isn't totally esablished or fixed in quite a few places. Additionally to what we know from our bubble we looked around at the pronounciation suggested by different sources. I think we ended up going with the 'kse' pronouciation, because we already have ze, which is pronouced quite similar.


When I saw the artstyle, I immediately knew it was inspired by Antichamber. Totally looking forward to the English release so I can play this and be fully immersed.


We finally got around to finish this game. The full version can now be played in either English or German. Let us know what you think :-)


This is so cool and such an interesting way of visually representing gender - unfortunately I don't speak German, but I am eagerly awaiting the English release!


We finally got around to finish this game. The full version can now be played in either English or German. Let us know what you think :-)


Cooles Spiel, wenn du willst kann ich für dich auf englisch übersetzen.


Hallo Lux,
Wir sind bereits dabei das Spiel zu übersetzen und haben nur aus Zeitgründen zur Jamdeadline nur die einsprachige Version fertig bekommen.
Danke trotzdem für das Angebot =)




sadly i dont speak german, but i loved the game anwyay! hope the translation comes out soon!


We finally got around to finish this game. The full version can now be played in either English or German. Let us know what you think :-)


I noticed a small bug: you can jump to the bottom platform of the spiral staircase and fall out of the world from there.

That aside, I loved the atmosphere you created and I really enjoyed playing through it!


Thanks for bringing this to our attention, we were able to fix this problem for the post jam release =)


even though i dont speak german it still kinda made sense. i love this !!


Thanks for the kind words :-) We finally got around to finish this game. So you can play it in English as well now.

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